Established in 2003, Peel Elder Abuse Prevention Network (PEAPN) consists of agencies serving seniors, service providers, community advocates and seniors with the objective to educate, raise awareness and develop a more collaborative approach to Elder Abuse and support seniors who had been abused.

PEAPN currently represents over 50 members from non-profit organizations, municipal/regional/provincial government, post-secondary institutions, faith-based communities, businesses, senior groups, and more.

Family Services of Peel (FSP) assumes the role of Lead Agency for PEAPN. In addition, Peel Institute on Violence Prevention, the research arm of FSP, supports PEAPN as needed in all its research endeavours in order to stay current and relevant.

mission statement


We work towards creating a Peel region where older adults are valued, respected and can live free from abuse.



We focus on: (1) improving the safety and well-being of older adults through education and awareness raising, (2) supporting agencies to identify and address elder abuse, (3) improving access to seamless services and supports for older adults, and (4) gathering information on elder abuse in Peel to ensure appropriate supports are available


  • Safety from all types of abuse
  • Respect and Inclusivity
  • Collaboration and Shared Leadership
  • Accountability to the community